Cheshire Cat Feline Health Center - San Diego CA Flea Control

Cheshire Cat Feline Health Center

4680 Clairemont Mesa Blvd.
San Diego, CA 92117


Flea Control

Flea Image Cheshire Cat Feline Health Center

We are proud to offer Cheristin, Frontline, Revolution and Capstar flea treatment products!

Did you know?

Buying On-line:
Recently, due to the economy, some clients have considered purchasing flea control products online, hoping to save a few dollars. We can not stress the potential risks associated with buying flea products, or any other animal health products, from an on-line company. We at Cheshire Cat Clinic have seen several counterfeit products that clients received from internet companies. These companies import products from China and other counties and do not guarantee the authenticity or safety of their products! There is no way of knowing if the product you receive is genuine, effective or safe! There could be ANYTHING in the tube... water or worse.

We purchase only from reputable distributors that stand behind their products. They are guaranteed! These distributors offer coupons online to be used here at our clinic and we are often able to provide promotional free products to our clients as incentives. In fact, when comparing online prices to our in-clinic prices, you will find the costs quite similar.

If you are considering purchasing flea products online and have questions, please feel free to call us to discuss how we can help keep your pet SAFE and flea-free!

Flea Facts

One of the most common misconceptions is that indoor cats can not get fleas, when in fact San Diego is the perfect climate for fleas. Fleas can be brought into your home on your socks, beach towels, dogs or just hop in on their own. Fleas continue to reproduce year round. One female flea can produce 2,000 eggs in a lifetime. In fact, 95% of fleas and their eggs and found in the environment and not on the pet. This is why year-round flea prevention is so imperative. So why are fleas so hard to get rid of?

Understanding the flea life cycle will help us control fleas!  There are four life stages which include the flea egg, larvae, pupae, and finally the adult.  Flea eggs live on average for 10 days, larvae have a 12 day average life span, pupa, average 4-5 months, while the adult fleas can live for up to 50 days.  Fleas that are in the environment, not living on your pet ( and often unseen) can survive without a blood meal for more than 100 days.  So what can we do?

There are multiple topical treatments like CheristinFrontline and Revolution designed to break the life cycle of the flea by killing the adult fleas and preventing the pupa from developing into adult fleas.  The topical treatments are supposed to last 28-30 days and should be re-applied monthly to prevent infestations.  Some clients find that they must apply the treatment ever three weeks, which is considered a safe practice. There are also oral products like Comfortis and Capstar which are also effective.


Do not be persuaded to try "look-alike" products that seem to be just like "Cheristin" or "Frontline." Many store-bought products, such as Hartz, can contain pyrethrins or other pesticides that can be toxic to cats! Our clinic does not recommend any products that are not purchased directly from a veterinary clinic.

For treatment of the home, some options include flea powders such as “Flea Busters” which is applied to the carpet or foggers like “Vet Kem.” We have several options available here at our clinic.  Keep in mind it can take up to 6-8 weeks to completely be flea free because of the life cycle stages. It can take on average, 3-4 weeks for eggs to reach adulthood.

So why is it important to keep fleas off my pets?  Well, flea bites can cause anemia in very young or small cats because just one female flea can consume 15 times her body weight in blood and multiply that  by 10 or more fleas and we have a problem.  Flea bites can also cause long term irritation called flea allergy dermatitis.  Some symptoms may be over grooming, scratching, scabbing, and pulling fur out.  See our veterinarian if these symptoms occur. Consuming fleas can also cause tapeworms which are internal parasites that live within the intestines.  Tapeworms also need to be treated with medication. 

So don’t give fleas a chance to infest your home.  Call us with any questions and remember fleas are almost microscopic and are not easily seen.  If you find dark spots that look like pepper, that is flea "dirt", or feces which means the cycle has started in your environment.  If you need flea control products stop by, we would be happy to help!